Finally, a judge worthy of more than a couple of verses. Gideon not only gets several chapters in the book but also his name on the book in Super 8s everywhere.
This Gideon guy has a silver tongue (not to mention a golden ephod, not to be confused with the coveted golden ipod). Gideon tries to persuade God not to call on him because -- "My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family." [Judges 6:15] Had Gideon been reading his Gideon Bible, he would have known his argument is like throwing kerosene on a burning bush. God seems to like it when the odds are against him. God is going to show Gideon (and us) how much He can do with just a little. Later Gideon uses his verbal talents to put off having to do anything for two days by asking for the dew sign. [Judges 6:36-40] Then, finally, he sweet talks the Emphraimites who are ticked off because they didn't get the memo on the Midian fight (and maybe equally upset that their tribal name rhymes with effeminate.)
When God calls Gideon, there is sort of an odd jump back and forth between who is speaking -- Is it the Angel of the Lord or the Lord? I think we've seen this before. Maybe with Abraham. Does the presence shift along with the voice? Is it like the Matrix when one presence sort of takes over another being's body? Or are they both there? Or is it a text/Hebrew/translation thing I'm just not getting?
Another great 300 movie sequence. But, unlike Sparta's 300, Gideon's 300 actually win the battle. God and Gideon conquer the Midianites and Amalekites and assorted others who are as "thick as locusts. Their camels could no more be counted than the sand of the seashore." [Judges 7:12] Someone needs to make this movie. You've got magic (well, miracles), plenty of slo-mo violence, a lengthy chase scene, comic stooge-esque Midianites running in circles and killing each other, the lowly pitted against the strong and the underdog wins. Just don't tell anyone it's from the Bible and they'll flock to it.
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