Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 15

Final Discourse -- John 15:1-27, 16:1-33, 17:1-26

The Mount of Olives from Mount Zion

Why is John the only one to record these teachings, these final words to His apostles?

What precious words as they walk together as they have walked together so many times with the Lord speaking and teaching and they not fully understanding and He knowing and loving them still.  He has so much to say, so much comfort to give, so desperately wanting them to know that it must happen and that there will be good and joy come from this moment.  What an intimate and powerful portrait of the last moments of God among us.  A moment of love so soon to be interrupted by blood and hate and shame but ultimately victory.  What did they remember and think on from this last walk before they hid in the shadows and watched Christ's walk to the cross?  He walked to find and name them.  He walked to teach them.  He walked to the hill with the cross to save them.

"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world." [John 16:33]

Then Jesus prays for them and He prays specifically for me, that my following him will be further fulfillment of who He was and is.  And so it is.

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