Sunday, November 2, 2008

November 2

Extensive Tour Throughout Galilee -- Matthew 15:21-39, 16:1-12; Mark 7:24-37, 8:1-26

Is there some irony here that Jesus asks the deaf mute He heals not to talk to anyone about what has happened?  Surely He already knew they couldn't keep a secret.  So why does He say it?  Is it His human side trying to avoid the inevitable?  

There's a lot of faith shown on the part of the people here.  The woman who begs Jesus for the scraps from His table and the 4,000 who have been with Jesus for three days without benefit of food.   Jesus show compassion and feeds them.  

Then there's the curious story about the blind man who Jesus has to heel twice.  Why does Jesus have to touch him twice?  Why didn't He heal the man with one touch?  Why did it require Him to touch him twice?  Was it for the man's benefit?  To give him time to acclimate?  Did Jesus make a mistake the first time around?  There's a lot of scholarly debate about what's going on or not going on here.  Was it Christ's human side showing itself again?

I don't know.  But I love the line:

...Jesus asked, "Do you see anything?"  He [the blind man] looked up and said, "I see people, they look like trees walking around." [Mark 8:23-24]

People looking like trees walking around.  Love that image.

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