Saturday, October 11, 2008

October 12

Nehemiah 13:4-11, 13:15-3112:27-47, 13:12-14, 13:1-3

Once again -- the familiar refrain.  The people get all excited about following God.  Then they drift away.  How many times do we have to do it to learn from our mistake?  
Nehemiah goes back to Babylon to find the people have returned to their old ways -- they neglect the temple and they're back to their foreign wives.  Nehemiah sets things straight a second time.  He gets things in order before he rededicates the wall that the people have built.  He understands the nature of God and man's proper priorities.  It's all about building our lives and dedicating our lives.  The building and dedication of a wall is secondary.  It's about the people.  Always.

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