Thursday, October 2, 2008

October 2

Zechariah 9:1-17; 10:1-12; 11:1-17; 12:1-14; 13:1-9; 14:1-21

Ok, you're probably going to laugh about this...or, rather, my take on this.  Here's Zechariah's prophecies.  Kind of difficult to figure if they've been fulfilled and when or if they're yet to be fulfilled.  Plenty of allusions to Christ.  But I was drawn to outdoor references.  I love to hike and enjoy the nature of God.  I've heard plenty of times and in numerous sermons Christ described as the "cornerstone" but I've never heard him called the "tent peg."  But here it is:

From Judah will come the cornerstone,
   from him the tent peg,
   from him the battle bow,
   from him every ruler.

Not quite as lofty as a cornerstone.  More common.  Certainly in a day and a culture when there were those who lived in tents.  I really enjoy living in a tent.  Less insulated from the world.  Less encumbered by things.  Less tied down to one spot.   Less permanent.  More like we were just passing through.  Just passing through this place and this life.

There have been times camping when one of the tent pegs came loose and the structure sagged and there was less room on the inside.  There's an interesting metaphor -- less room on the inside.  And certainly in a strong wind or driving rain, it would offer far less protection from the elements.  So Christ is my tent peg.  The small, unassuming that provides such amazing service to the whole.

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