Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 1

1 Samuel 18:1-30, 19:1-18; Psalms 59; 1 Samuel 19:19-24, 20:1-42

Saul's son Jonathan loves David and Saul's daughter Michal loves David and God loves David.  So Saul's jealous seems inevitable.  But, why, instead of pursuing David, doesn't Saul pursue that which makes David so lovable?  The answer to life's problems isn't throwing a spear at them.  What's up with Saul and his spear?  He throws it at David and he throws it at his son.  We're like that, too.  Our sin makes us angry, mainly at ourselves and at the gnawing feeling of conviction, and so we throw a barb at someone else -- someone innocent -- in our anger.  And once thrown, we can never retrieve those spears or, often, heal the wound left.  Toss prayers at God.  Not spears at our problems.

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