Tuesday, April 15, 2008

March 31

1 Samuel 16:1-23, 17:1-58

The Spirit of the Lord comes upon David in power and departs from Saul [1 Sam. 16:13, 14].  What does that feel like?  Did they know?  Did David feel a surge of power and Saul feel the spirit of God drawn out of him leaving him weak?  Did David feel new confidence and courage and Saul, doubt and fear?  Or did they feel the same but their lives would be changed?  I wonder.  Is the Spirits power displayed behind the scenes, unaware, changing the tenor of their days, the quality of their life, the connection with God that informs their decisions?  Do we feel the Spirit come to us in baptism?  Or do we find our lives forever changed?  Would we even recognize the Spirit of God descending on us unless it's accompanied by a dove or a miracle?  I wonder.

Speaking of Spirit -- not only does the Spirit of the Lord depart from Saul -- an "evil spirit from the Lord tormented him." [1 Sam. 16:14]  Interesting.  God has replaced His Spirit with an evil spirit of torment.  David's harp has the power to soothe Saul.  When we are in torment perhaps we need to exchange the Spirit that fills us.

David knows and understands God's power and rushes in.  He does this with Goliath and he does this with Saul.  He runs to the battle.  We, too often, are content to stand back and see what the Lord will do without us.  We sit back and wait when there are so many hurting and in need all around us.  The poor is not only always with us but too much with us.  I wonder if we assuage our need to serve by sitting in worship.  David acts because he knows no matter how ill prepared he is that "the battle is the Lord's." [1 Sam. 17:47]

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