Saturday, October 18, 2008

October 18

Jesus the Christ -- Mark 1:1; John 1:1-18; Luke 1:1-4

Hallelujah!  We've Reached the New Testament.

Wow, it's quite illustrative -- reading the Bible through in a year it takes you until October 18th to get to the New Testament.  Nine and a half months for the Old.  Two and a half months for the New.  Is the message progressively simpler?  More straight to the point?  Or was it like a football team when they're not able to perform a complex playbook.  The coach strips it down to the simplest plays and spends more time on executing a few things well than understanding the nuances of a complex play book.  Did God strip down the playbook?  

Or have our attention spans gotten progressively shorter.  If he decided to add another section to the scriptures -- the New, New Testament or Post-New Testament would it be one line that would fit on a t-shirt or be short enough to be a single blog post or USA Today piece complete with nifty chart?  Would it be a :30 spot?

It's interesting and maybe I've written this before...I know I've said it to several people.  The religious leaders and teachers of the day, the people who knew the scriptures, mistakenly interrupted scripture and just obviously and naturally thought that Jesus would be a political/military leader.  And so most of them missed Him when He got here.  Do we do the same things about judgement day?  Do we take the scriptures regarding judgement and think they mean what they say at face value?  God's view seems to be different then ours and He's always surprising us.  I think we're in for a surprise on Judgement Day.  What I read on the surface doesn't jive completely with what I've understood to be the true nature of God.  

Can't wait for the surprise.

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