Monday, October 6, 2008

October 4

Esther 5:1-14, 6:1-14, 7:1-10, 8:1-17, 9:1-32, 10:1-3

Wow, Esther sure had her influence on the king.  The Jews are not only saved by also allowed to protect themselves.  Good idea but it seems a little bit obsessive killing all of Haman's sons and then killing 75,000 (Esther 9:16).  It's interesting that they didn't take any plunder but that is a massive number of people.  Think of how we'd freak if 75,000 Americans were killed.  Perhaps its just an indication of how persecuted the Jews were in Babylon.  Or was it payback?  

God's hand seems evident in this story but we don't directly hear from Him.  So what was He thinking?  About Esther marrying outside of her people?  Of the 75,000 killed by the Jews in response to the King's edict.  We have to be careful when we look at story and interpret what God thinks or wills.  And we don't know here.  It becomes a huge nationalistic story and celebration for the Jewish people.  But I wonder.  What was God thinking? 

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