Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy.... [Revelation 1:3]
I don't understand much of what I'm reading in Revelation -- what prophecy is fulfilled and what prophecy is yet to be fulfilled and what all of the symbolism means. But I do understand this -- even in reading the words, I am blessed. And I truly feel that. Blessed. Just in the reading. It's difficult to explain. There is an energy here, a positive hopefulness in the power of the Lamb and Lion and Morning Star and Angels. While I might question the meaning, there is no questioning of the outcome. God is in control. Satan has and will be vanquished.
1 comment:
I think of your word Energy. The Energy words were lost to Western Scriptural Translation, by the translation of the NT into the Latin by Jerome, then the following translations into the vernaculars of the West. But the concept of the Energies of God is very potent in the Greek East. The concept of the Energies of God, is equivalent to Grace (Divine Enablings), and His Presence(outside of His Essence), and to His Immanence. If I remember correctly there are 23 such words whose meanings have been obscured.
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