I'm underlining very little here. Just letting the dreamlike waves of scripture wash over me. Here, picking up the name of an angel I'd never heard of before -- "Apollyon." [Revelation 9:11] Letting it wash over and hopefully soak in. I can't always read scripture and assign precise meaning. If I could, than I would know the mind of God and God would be as small and limited as my own mine. Sometimes I can only read and trust the Holy Spirit to bring to me what I need.
And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. [Revelation 12:7-8]
A battle in heaven? How do I understand this? A war in a place of peace and love? A battle of spiritual beings. How does that look and feel? And where is God as Michael fights. Did He avert His gaze as He did with His son on the cross because fighting was so offensive and even pornographic in heaven's peace? The waring of angels. Is it a physical battle or a fight for souls and spirit and mind?
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