Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December 30

The Revelation to John -- Hope of the Faithful -- Revelation 14:1-13; Judgment Against Unrighteous -- Revelation 14:14-20, 15:1-8, 16:1-21; Special Judgment upon Babylon -- Revelation 17:1-18, 18:1-24, 19:1-5

The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more.... [Revelation 18:11]

Your merchants were the world's great men.  By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. [Revelation 18:23]

Interesting to be reading this during our current economic downturn that was essentially fueled by personal greed -- the greed of individuals and institutions and banks and the government's willingness to empower greed.  Instead of Babylon, it's the United States whose greed has lured the nations and our fall has led to the economic troubles of merchants everywhere.  

We heralded our bringing of the free economy to the world.  But now, in shame, teaching greed has led to everyone's misfortune and trouble.

Are we the modern Babylon?

1 comment:

Carving Ben said...

Usury. The Scripture condemns usury and the historic Church condemns usury, but we base our whole economy on hyper-usury- the fiat banking of the Fed. the fractional reserve banking of the banks that 'serve' us. and the clear lies of the banking industry that our deposits are avaiable to us, only if we show up and ask for them. It is simply a legalized Ponzi scheme. Lord have mercy